EDU教 315 T7T8
“Theories of counseling and practice” is a course designed to provide an overview of the basic theoretical components of counseling, as well as to foster increased of understanding of the interactions between client and counselor/psychotherapist, and between individual internal mental activities and external environment.
Course keywords: counseling, theory, practice, guidance Course title: Theories of Counseling and Practice Course Number: 11220TE 212400 Institute: Center for Teacher Education, Spring/2024 Course Time: 15:30 to 17:20 p.m. Tuesdays Classroom: Room 315, Education Building Instructor: Yii-Nii Lin, Ph.D. Office: Room 214, Education Building Phone: (03) 5742451 (office), E-mail: Office hours: 13:30 to 14:30 p.m. Tuesdays and by appointment Course Purpose: “Theories of counseling and practice” is a course designed to provide an overview of the basic theoretical components of counseling, as well as to foster increased of understanding of the interactions between client and counselor/psychotherapist, and between individual internal mental activities and external environment. Course objectives: This is an introductory course and so will cover a broad range of material. With this in mind, the objectives are to provide students with: 1.Understanding the definition of counseling and psychotherapy, and the differentiation between these two branches. 2.Understanding the role and function of a professional helper. 3. Understanding individual nature in aspects of physical, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual status and how the interactions of these aspects generate problems. 4. Understanding individual psychological mechanism of mental health and the interactions among biological, psychological, sociocultural factors. 5.Understanding the interventions of individual mental health through various counseling and psychotherapy approaches. 6.Understanding the processes and outcomes of various counseling and psychotherapy approaches. 7. Understanding ethical codes, principles, and decision-making of counseling and psychotherapy. 8. Understanding the limitations and promotions of counseling and psychotherapy. Accommodations: I would like to hear from who has a disability, which may require some modification of seating, testing, or other requirements so that appropriate arrangements may be made. Please see me after class or during my office hours. Student Grievances: Procedures for filling student complaints are explained in University Policies. Plagiarism and Cheating: The collegiate policy on plagiarism and cheating is outlined in the University policies. It is your responsibilities to be aware of this policy. Respect for Diversity: It is the intent of the instructor to present material and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Textbooks (Required): 諮商與心理治療:理論與實務 (2016)。修慧蘭審訂。雙葉書廊。 Textbooks (Recommended): Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Brooks/Cole Pub Co (USA). 駱芳美、郭國楨 (2018)。諮商理論與實務。心理出版社。 林家興(2019)。諮商與心理治療實務。心理出版社。 生命抉擇與個人成長(2018)。陳嘉鳳總校閱。雙葉書廊。 Course Format: The first half of the class will consist of didactic presentation and group discussion. The second half of the class will be practice- and activity- oriented. In brief, the course will combine the use of lectures, discussion, and experiential activities. Course Requirements: 1. Actively participate in class discussion, activities, and demonstrations. 2. Read the selected assignments in their entirety, coming to class prepared to discuss the readings as outlined on the schedule. 3. Read related news/critiques/commentaries of counseling and share them with members in classes. 4. Complete a reaction paper, a project, a reflection journal (RJ) (a visit and sharing) and several role plays. Turn in the paper and project on time. 5. The reaction paper includes a topic, content, analysis and discussion of a case or an issue related to guidance, counseling and/or psychotherapy (no more than 3 typewritten pages). The RJ 1 includes content, analysis and discussion of a simulation (serve as a client); the RJ 2 includes content, analysis and discussion of a visit of counseling institution (serve as a visitor). (no more than 4 typewritten pages). The project (case report) aims to simulate a counseling/guidance intervention (at least a 30-min counseling session), to share it with classmates, and to complete a case report (no more than 6 typewritten pages). The format of this project contains content, application of one counseling approach, analyses, and discussions. Role plays (simulation counseling) will be conducted in classes. 6. Mobile phones or AI assitance are not allowed in classes. Grading: Attendance and Participation 20 Role Plays (in classes) 20 Reaction Paper 15 Reflection Journal part 1 (as a client), part 2 (as a visitor) 25 Project (as a counselor, case report and sharing) 20 Total 100 Schedule Topics Reading 1st 2/20 Orientation and introduction Forming Groups Ch 1 Introduction 2nd 2/27 Ethics & Helper Ch1, 2, 3 3rd 3/5 Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Approach Ch 4 4th 3/12 Adlerian Approach Ch 5 5th 3/19 Existential Approach Ch 6 6th 3/26 Person-centered Approach Ch 7 7th 4/2 WISER model and Systems Approach Handouts 8th 4/9 Mindfulness Therapy Handouts 9th 4/16 Behavioral Approach, Cognitive Approach Ch 9, 10 10th 4/23 Reality/Choice Approach, REBT Approach Ch 10, 11 11th 4/30 Gestalt Approach Ch 8 12th 5/7 Family Systems Therapy Ch 14 13th 5/14 Feminist Therapy Ch 12 14th 5/22 Integrative Therapy, Project Discussion/Sharing Ch 15 15th 5/28 Project Discussion/Sharing Project Due 16th 6/4 Project Discussion/Sharing Project Due
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Average GPA 3.94
Std. Deviation 0.45