PHYS物 620 M6M7M8
This course, General Astronomy (II), is the second part of 'General Astronomy', which is an introduction to astronomy and astrophysics for college students. This course in particular covers the solar system, galactic and extra-galactic astronomy, and cosmology. Together with 'General Astronomy (I), it serves as the basis of college astronomy curriculum, which ideally should be taken by all the modern college students. After taking this course, students with more interests are encouraged to take advanced courses like 'Fundamental Astronomical Observations', 'Introduction to Astrophysics', and 'Introduction to Modern Cosmology', that are also offered by Department of Physics.
Course keywords: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astronomical Observation, The Solar System, Galaxies, Cosmology 一、課程說明(Course Description) 任課教師: 張祥光 (綜二館 511 室, x42952, 課程大概內容: 1. galaxies and the universe 2. the solar system 二、指定用書(Text Books) Author: Geller, Freedman & Kaufmann title: 'Universe', 11th edition (2019) Publisher: W. H. Freeman ISBN-10: 1-319-03944-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-319-03944-8 三、參考書籍(References) 1. other textbooks at an introductory level: 1-1 Seeds & Backman: 'Foundations of Astronomy' 1-2 Arny & Schneider: 'Explorations, An Introduction to Astronomy' 1-3 Kaler: 'Astronomy!' 1-4 Chaisson & McMillan: 'Astronomy Today' 1-5 Zeilik: 'Astronomy: the Evolving Universe' 2. some textbooks which are 'more astrophysical': 2-1 Shu: 'The Physical Universe -- An Introduction to Astronomy' 2-2 Carroll & Ostlie: 'An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics' 2-3 Bowers & Deeming: 'Astrophysics' 3. a fundamental, practical textbook for observations: 3-1 Birney: 'Observational Astronomy' 4. a more advanced book concerning observations and astrophysics: 4-1 Smith: 'Observational Astrophysics' 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) This course will go with lectures for the 'galaxies and the universe' part and with student classroom reports for the 'solar system' part. I will lecture on the solar system and exoplanets as an introduction, and students will then form groups to report on various planets, comets, asteroids, etc. Lectures on 'galaxies and the universe' will go in parallel with these classroom reports. No midterm. The final, an open-any-book exam, is scheduled on June 3, 2024. 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Lectures will go in this order: 1. Ch13. The Solar System 2. Ch14. Our Milky Way Galaxy 3. Ch15. Galaxies 4. Ch16. Active Galaxies 5. Ch17. Cosmology 6. Ch18. The Early Universe Student classroom reports will proceed in parallel. 六、成績考核(Evaluation) GD=F(PT) PT=RPx50% + FNx50% GD: grade F: a monotonic remapping, which will be determined at the end. RP: classroom oral report FN: final 七、AI conditions: Unrestricted use with no disclosure required, unless indicated otherwise. 八、可連結之網頁位址
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Average GPA 3.37
Std. Deviation 0.98