PHYS物 124 T3T4R3R4
This class is designed for first-year physics major students and students in related majors. Our primary focus is to provide a solid foundation of basic knowledge through various approaches, including in-class lectures, office hours, TA sessions, homework, and exams. If needed, we will incorporate numerical simulations, visualized presentations, and in-class demonstrations of experiments. To personalize and uptimize the learning results, we will introduce the application of ChatGPT as a personal TA for self-study, homework, and mini-project preparation. This will allow students to receive tailored assistance and guidance. We believe that highly motivated and self- disciplined students will excel in this class. However, we hope even students with less motivation will still have the opportunity to learn important methods and basic knowledge, which could prepare them better for their future studies and careers.
Average Percentage 69.67
Std. Deviation 21.12