DELTA台達322 F5F6F7
Microfluidics deals with the behavior, precise control and manipulation of fluids that are geometrically constrained to a small, typically sub-millimeter scale. There has been a continuously increasing interest in applying microfluidics in a wide spectrum of applications including inject printing, chemistry, material science, biology and medicine. Introduction to Microfluidics Systems is a course designed to give students the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and physics and chemistry principles associated with microfluidics systems with a special emphasis on biological and medical applications.
Course keywords: 微流體, 生醫微機電, 微製造, Microfluidics, BIoMEMS, Microfabrication TOPIC/ACTIVITY Week 1: Introduction to BioMEMS Week 2: Introduction to BioMEMS Week 3: Introduction to Microfluidics Week 4: Fluid mechanics Week 5: Microfabrication Week 6: Special topics in microfluidics-1 Week 7: Midterm exam Week 8: Micropumps Week 9: Microvalves Week 10: Microfluidic separators Week 11: Microfluidic biosensors Week 12: Special topics in microfluidics-2 Week 13: Microfluidics in diagnostics and life sciences Week 14: Term project presentation Week 15: Term project presentation Week 16: Term project report due Grading: Homework 20%, Midterm 25%, Final 25% Project presentation 15%, and Term project final report) 15%. In class activities and quizzes will be graded as a bonus Text books: Lecture notes are available at lecture. Suggested books: 1.“Fundamentals and applications of Microfluidics”, N.-T. Nguyen and S. T. Wereley, 2nd Edition, Artech House, 2006. 2.“Biological Applications of Microfluidics”, Edited by Frank A. Gomez, Wiley Inter-Science, 2008. 3.“Introduction to BioMEMS”, Albert Folch, (2012) ISBN: 1439818398
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Average Percentage 85.2
Std. Deviation 6.52