本課程理論與實例並重,涵蓋破裂力學及材料損壞機制二大領域,以使學者對材料損壞有一完整之觀念與分析能力 This course emphasize both the basics and case studies of the failure of materials. It covers the fracture mechanics and failure mechanisms of materials. Many practical cases of failure will be discussed in the class to give the students a whole picture of the failure of materials.
Course keywords: 破裂力學, 材料損壞機制, 斷裂面相學, 疲勞, 腐蝕 fracture mechanics, failure mechanisms, fractography, fatigue, corrosion 一、課程說明(Course Description) 本課程理論與實例並重,涵蓋破裂力學及材料損壞機制二大領域,以使學者對材料損壞有一完整 之觀念與分析能力。 This course emphasize both the basics and case studies of the failure of materials. It covers the fracture mechanics and failure mechanisms of materials. Many practical cases of failure will be discussed in the class to give the students a whole picture of the failure of materials. 本課程全程提供講義給修課學生。學生每周需教書面報告,不允許缺課,第二次3/8上課前可加 選,之後不允許加選。 二、指定用書(Text Book) (1) ASM, ASM Handbook (metals Handbook, 9th ed.) Volume 11 & metals Handbook, 8th ed., Volume 10 Failure Analysis and Prevention 三、參考書籍(References) (2) ASM, ASM Handbook (metals Handbook 9th ed) Volume 12 Fractography (3) ASM, ASM Handbook (metals Handbook 9th ed) Volume 13 Corrosion (4) ASM Handbook Volume 13A: Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection Volume 13B: Corrosion: Materials Volume 13C: Corrosion: Environments and Industries (5) ASM Handbook Volume 17: Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control (6) ASM Handbook Volume 18: Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology (7) ASM Handbook Volume 19: Fatigue And Fracture (8) ASM Handbook Volume 21: Composites (9) ASTM Standard: ASTM E399: Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness KIc of metallic Materials ASTM E1820: Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness ASTM E1823: Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing (10) R.W. Hertzburg, ''Deformation and Fracture Machanics of Engineering Materials'', 4th ed. , 1996, John Wiley and Sons, New York (11) G. E.Dieter: Mechanical metallurgy , SI metric edition, 1988, McGraw- Hill Co. (12) D. Broek, ''Elementary Engineering Fracture Machanics'', 4th ed., 1986, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 陳文華、張士欽中譯,基本工程破裂力學,國立編譯館 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) 1.講授 lecture 2.實例研討 case study 3.個別報告 written and oral report by students 五、教學進度(Schedule) 第一週-----2/19---課程準備及教材說明、損壞分析實例 (1)8th ed., V.10 pp.1-9; 9th ed., V.11 pp.15-46;(5) 第二週-----2/26 損壞及損壞分析簡介 (1)8th ed., V.10 pp.1-9; 9th ed., V.11 pp.15-46;(5) 第三週-----3/4---斷裂面相學簡介 (1)pp.75-81, (2) 第四週-----3/11---脆性及延性破壞,塑變不穩定性(1)pp.82-101 第五週-----3/18---材料之韌性與破壞力學簡介 (1)pp.47-71, (9),(10),(11) 第六週-----3/25 ---脆性破裂依據KIC ASTM E1823, ASTM E399, (9),(10),(11) 第七週-----4/1---放假,不上課。 第八週-----4/8---延性破裂判據J積分,JIC,COD ASTM E813, ASTM E1737, ASTM E1820, (9),(10),(11) 第九週-----4/15---期中考 30% 第十週-----4/22---疲勞 (1)pp.102-135, (7) 第十一週----4/29---磨損 (1)pp.145-171, (6) 第十二週----5/6 ---腐蝕 (1)pp.172-202, (3),(4) 第十三週---5/13---應力蝕裂與腐蝕疲勞 (1)pp.203-224,252-261, (3),(4) 第十四週---5/20---氫破壞,LME,SME ,Sour Gas (1)pp.225-251,298-303, (3),( 4) 第十五週---5/27---高溫破壞 (1)pp.263-297, (3),(4) 第十六週---6/3--- 每周及期末報告 50% 第十七週---6/10---端午放假,不上課。 第十八週---6/17---每周及期末報告 50%,期末考 20% 六、成績考核(Evaluation) 每周書面及口頭報告 30% 共10次 期中考 30% 期末書面及口頭報告 20% 期末考及課中討論 20% Student's weekly written and oral reports 30% Midterm examination 30% Student final written report and oral presentation 20% Final and Discussion in class 20% 鼓勵使用 GPT AI,但須註明如何使用並對其產出加以評論。 Use of generative AI is encouraged with the requirement of specifying how it is applied and a comment on the output of it. 七、可連結之網頁位址
MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | |
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Average GPA 4
Std. Deviation 0.23