DELTA台達璟德 T1T2F1F2
This course deals with diffusion and phase transformation in materials science. Subjects will be covered in the following. Diffusion includes Steady state, transient state, Fick's first and second laws, variable diffusivities, moving boundary, heterogeneous systems,atomic mechanism, Kirkendal effect and up-hill diffusion. Phase transformation includes nucleation, growth, and spinodal decomposition.
Course keywords: diffusion, phase transformation, Fick's first law, Fick's second law, uphill diffusion 一、課程說明(Course Description) : 1. Diffusion (a) Steady state (b) Transient state (c) Continuum diffusion - analytical solutions to Fick's Second Law- finite and infinite systems (d) Diffusion with variable diffusivities (e) Diffusion with moving boundary (f) Diffusion in heterogeneous systems – controlling kinetics (g) Atomistics -- pure metals, dilute alloys and concentrated solutions (h) Kirkendall effect and chemical diffusion 2. Kinetics of Phase Transformation (a) Nucleation - homogeneous and heterogeneous (b) Growth with and without composition change (c) Spinodal decomposition Textbooks and References Diffusion: 1. P.G. Shewmon, Diffusion in Solids, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Phase Transformation: 1. A.K. Jena and M.C. Chaturvedi, Phase Transformations in Materials, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1992. 2. D.A. Porter and K.E. Easterling, Phase Transformations in metals and Alloys, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981. 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) Lecturing, recitation and discussion 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Diffusion: 8-10 weeks, Phase Transformation: 6-8 weeks 六、成績考核(Evaluation) Quizzes, midterm, and final exam 七、可連結之網頁位址 open course
Average GPA 2.61
Std. Deviation 1.2