MXIC旺宏243 F3F4
恐怖主義的定義本來就晦澀,現在日常的用法總是充滿負面意義與指涉。恐怖主義於是需要各種反恐手段作為應對。這本課 程首先嘗試回答兩個問題: 1. 什麼是恐怖主義?(只是一種政治暴力型態?而合法正當的政治暴力,像是戰爭,又與恐怖攻擊有何不同?) 2. 為什麼要反恐?(恐怖主義是否擁有合法正當性的問題,於是也攸關應有的反制措施。) 應該要直接以暴易暴,還是相對溫和地,應該採用攻心為上的其他策略,追求終極的去極端化效果?反恐是不是應該全由國 家來主導?如果面臨兩難,是否可以犧牲民主自由、人權基本價值來進行反恐? 除了檢討恐怖主義所帶動的政治倫理相關問題,我們還嘗試尋找恐怖主義生成的原因,以及『各種不同的』恐怖主義表現方 式,包括國家恐怖主義。也會評估各種反恐的策略,以及當前學界與政策研究相關論述辯論。 學生修完課程後,應該能 - 充份理解恐怖主義作為一種政治暴力在倫理上的各種見解,以及現有制定反恐相關法律的困境 - 能夠討論恐怖主義各種生成的可能原因,以及不同個案狀況下,所適用的反恐策略爭議 - 理解過去十數年全球反恐戰的各種困難挑戰,以及近年基地組織的結構演變與伊斯蘭國的興衰 - 中國反恐的內涵與缺&
Course keywords: terrorism types and roots, antiterrorism, Islamism, cyber security, China 二、指定用書 1. Stuart Gottlieb (ed.). 2014. Debating Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Conflicting Perspectives on Causes, Contexts, and Responses. CQ Press. 2nd ed. 2. Combs, Cynthia C, 2017. Terrorism in the 21st Century. Routledge, 8th ed. 3. Silke, Andrew, 2020. Routledge Handbook of Terrorism and Counterterrorism. Routledge 三、參考書籍 Tore Bjфrgo, Tore, 2004. Root Causes of Terrorism: myths, reality and ways forward. Routledge. Crenshaw, Martha. 1981. “The Causes of Terrorism.” Comparative Politics 13 (4): 379-399. Cordell, Karl and Wolff, Stefan, 2011. Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict, Abingdon: Routledge. Chapter on ‘Genocide and Ethnic Conflict’ Gerges, Fawaz A., 2005. The Far Enemy: why Jihad went global, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, Chapter on ‘The Seeds’ Hoffman, Bruce, 2006. Inside Terrorism. Columbia University Press Lahoud, Nelly, 2023(中文譯本)賓.拉登文件:蓋達組織、其領導人與家庭的真相The Bin Laden Papers : How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family,黑體文化 Lanchester, John, 2013. The Snowden files: why the British public should be worried about GCHQ, The Guardian. Lin, TH, 2015. (in Chinese) Terrorism: Concepts and Theory. Wunan 林泰和,恐怖主義研 究:概念與理論,五南出版社 Millward, James. 2004. Violent Separatism in Xinjiang: a critical assessment. Washington: East-West Center ----- 2014 “China's Two Problems with the Uyghurs” Los Angles Review of Books Moghadam Assaf., 2006. Suicide Terrorism, Occupation, and the Globalization of Martyrdom: A Critique of. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 29(8), pp.707–729. Robert A. Pape, 2003. The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism. The American Political Science Review, 97(3), pp.343–361. Roy, Olivier, 2004. Globalized Islam: the search for a new Ummah, New York: Columbia University Press, Chapter 7 ‘On the Path to War: Bin Laden and Others’ Sageman, Marc, 2004. Understanding Terror Networks. University of Pennsylvania Press. --------2016. Misunderstanding Terrorism. University of Pennsylvania Press. Taylor, Max, 2006. A Conceptual framework for Addressing Psychological Process in the Development of the Terrorist. Terrorism and Political Violence, 18(4), pp.585– 601. Porch, Douglas, 2013. Counterinsurgency: exposing the myths of the new way of war, NewYork: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1 ‘A happy combination of clemency with firmness: The small wars prologue’ Shih, Chienyu, 2014. (in Chinese) ‘Soviet Intervention and Uyghur Nationalism – On the Ways to frame the History of the East Turkistan Republic’ 蘇聯介入與現代維吾爾 民族 主義的興起 - 東突厥斯坦共和國不同史觀的討論, 文化研究Router - Journal of Culture Studies Walzer, Michael, 2004, “Terrorism: A Critique of Excuses,” Arguing about War. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp.51-66Weinberg, Leonard, The Challenges of Conceptualizing Terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence, 16(4), pp.777–794. Wiktorowicz, Quintan, 2004. Islamic Activism: a social movement theory approach, Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press, Chapter ‘Introduction’. 四、教學方式 每次上課主要由教師進行1.5小時講座,並穿插課堂討論活動、學生需要認真參與討論,並列入評分。為求充分 了解課程內容,與參與課堂討論,學生應該將閱讀材料與上課內容做成筆記,並構思問題。當然希望學生能將所 學得的內容與概念框架,應用於關注並分析恐怖主義與反恐的相關議題。 五、教學進度 第一週 導論:充滿爭議的恐怖主義定義 恐怖主義是政治標籤,還是政治暴力? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 1; Combs chapter 1, 2 and 14 第二-三週 恐怖主義的倫理與正當性 恐怖主義有沒有任何可能被正當化,換句話說,什麼樣的政治暴力可以被認可接受? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 3, and Combs chapter 3 and 4 *Ganor, Boaz, 2002. Defining terrorism: Is one man’s terrorist another man's freedom fighter? Media Asia, 29(3), pp.123–133 *Hoffman, Bruce. 2006. “Defining Terrorism.” in Inside Terrorism, 1–41. Columbia University Press. *Walzer, Michael, 2000. Just and Unjust wars: a moral argument with historical illustrations, New York: Basic Books. Chapter 3 and 16 *Walzer, Michael, 2004, “Terrorism: A Critique of Excuses,” Arguing about War. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp.51-66. 第四-五週 自殺攻擊 面對力量不對等的敵對狀態,自殺攻擊是否是一個理性的選擇? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 5 *Astran, Scott, 2006-07-03. The Moral Logic and Growth of Suicide Terrorism. The Washington Quarterly, 29(2), pp.127–147 *Moghadam Assaf., 2006. Suicide Terrorism, Occupation, and the Globalization of Martyrdom: A Critique of. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 29(8), pp.707–729. 第六-七週 恐怖主義發生的源頭、逐步極端化的過程與恐怖份子的拔擢 社會科學家認為政治暴力源於意識形態、欺凌(歧視或各種不正義)、不道德價值、恐懼、意識錯亂、地緣與國 家強弱的機緣等等。但是,那一個原因對於恐怖主義的發生最關鍵?恐怖主義研究曾經被心理學與犯罪學主導, 他們研究個人與小群體網絡如何帶動極端化的過程。這樣的研究途徑有什麼啟示? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 2; Combs chapter 6 and 7 * McCauley, Clark, 2008. Mechanisms of Political Radicalization: Pathways Toward Terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20(3), pp.415–433 * Taylor, Max, 2006. A Conceptual framework for Addressing Psychological Process in the Development of the Terrorist. Terrorism and Political Violence, 18(4), pp.585–601. 第八-九週 犧牲自由換取安全? 面對恐怖主義威脅,國家應該隨時進入緊急狀態,破壞就是保護法制? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 11; Combs chapter 10 and 12 *Ignatieff, Michael, 2004. The Lesser Evil: political ethics in an age of terror, Toronto: Penguin Canada, Chapter 2 ‘The Ethics of Emergency’ * Lanchester John, 2013. The Snowden files: why the British public should be worried about GCHQ, The Guardian. 第十-十一週 反恐 面對恐怖份子,應該攻心為上?以暴其實不能止暴? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 7; Combs chapter 11 and 13 *Porch, Douglas, 2013. Counterinsurgency: exposing the myths of the new way of war, NewYork: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1 ‘A happy combination of clemency with firmness: The small wars prologue’ * Kilcullen, David, 2009. The Accidental Guerrilla: fighting small wars in the midst of a big one, Oxford: Oxford University Press (This blog with Killcullen's work articles-pt-i) 第十二-十三週 國家恐怖主義 種族清洗與滅絕有何不同?戰爭時期或反恐過程中,種族清洗、滅絕屠殺常常發生;社會科學家多以意識形態、 心理與物質因素來詮釋國家恐怖主義的現象。哪一個因素最重要? Readings: Combs chapter 5 * Hughes, James, 2011. ‘Genocide and Ethnic Conflict’ in Cordell, Karl and Wolff, Stefan, ed., Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict, Abingdon: Routledge. *Mann, Michael, 2005. The Dark Side of Democracy: explaining ethnic cleansing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1 ‘The Argument’ 第十四-十五週 基地組織與全球反恐戰 基地組織的結構、目標與戰鬥方式與其他恐怖組織有何不同?有人以為基地組織是一種新型社會運動,但是心理 學家則以為社會網絡有效連動才是問題的關鍵。基地組織的恐怖威脅是否被誇大?伊斯蘭國的興衰又有什麼啟 示? Readings: Gottlieb chapter 4 and 8 *Gerges, Fawaz A., 2005. The Far Enemy: why Jihad went global, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, Chapter on ‘The Seeds’(eLary) *Roy, Olivier, 2004. Globalized Islam: the search for a new Ummah, New York: Columbia University Press, Chapter 7 ‘On the Path to War: Bin Laden and Others’ *Sageman, Marc, 2004. Understanding Terror Networks, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Chapter 5 第十六週 中國的反恐:以三股勢力論述與東突伊斯蘭運動為例 三股勢力作為一種反恐政策論述是否適當?中國面臨的恐怖攻擊威脅到底有多大? Readings: Millward 2004 and 2014 第十七與十八週為補課或作業撰寫時間。 六、成績考核 *使用AI(例如chatgpt)於課程作業撰寫,一旦被察覺,無論比例,一律零分計算。修讀本課程之學生於選 課時視為同意以上倫理聲明。 10%出席率 15%上課提問與參與討論情況 各週針對全球恐怖主義發展現況,進行自由發言十分鐘。並邀請其他同學提問與討論。 75%書面作業(三篇各佔25%) - 如有安排校外學者專家專題演講,課後撰寫心得感想。 - 依據特定恐怖主義相關課題轉寫課後心得報告。 - 長度為1000-2000字。
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Average Percentage 80.93
Std. Deviation 10.51
平均百分制 80.14
標準差 7.55
平均百分制 81.49
標準差 6.59