CHEM化 125 T3T4F2
This course presents major topics covered by solid state chemistry including crystal structures, structural analysis of crystals, synthesis of nanocrystals and bulk solid materials, property characterization, properties of materials, phase diagrams, and crystal defects. The course also introduces latest development and understanding of semiconductor crystal facets on their electrical, photocatalytic, optical, magnetic, piezoelectric, and organic catalytic properties.
Course keywords: crystal structures (晶體結構); crystal synthesis methods (晶體合成方法); facet-dependent properties (晶面效應); materials characterization techniques (材料鑑定方法); phase diagrams (晶相); properties of materials (材料性質) 一、課程說明(Course Description) This course introduces inorganic materials in the solid state. Topics to be discussed include the methods of inorganic materials synthesis, crystal structures, bonding in solids, structural characterization techniques, and optical, electrical and magnetic properties of solid materials. Facet-dependent electrical, photocatalytic, organic catalytic, magnetic, piezoelectric and optical properties of semiconductor crystals are also presented. 二、指定用書(Text Books) Solid State Chemistry An Introduction, 4th edition by Lesley E. Smart and Elaine A. Moore, CRC Press or "Basic Solid State Chemistry" by Anothony R. West or "Solid State Chemistry and its Applications" by the same author. 三、參考書籍(References) 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) The lectures are delivered by PowerPoint presentations. The lecture may be delivered in English if there are foreign students. 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Syllabus will be more or less followed as outlined in the course description section and will be given before the first day of classes. There will be one midterm exam and one final exam. Students are expected to study the presented materials. Reading of some mentioned literature articles is encouraged. 六、成績考核(Evaluation) Class evaluation will be based mostly on the exam grades. Attendance may be considered in the determination of the final grade. 七、可連結之網頁位址
Average Percentage 76.04
Std. Deviation 7.85