BMES醫環110 W6
Graduate students are encouraged to present their research understandings in terms of either bench work or scientific papers. With the help of ppt slides, presenting skills and good knowledge, audience should be attratced.
Course keywords: 生醫耦合, 醫學工程, 材料科學, 生醫材料, 醫藥化學 一、課程說明(Course Description) Graduate students are presenting orally to attract the audiences' attention to be willing to involving in the topic. Students are thus able to communicate freely with others in a manner of science- or technology-based understandings. 二、指定用書(Text Books) From Papers or research works 三、參考書籍(References) The same as above 四、教學方式(Teaching Method) 1. Two-hour lecture is provided by graduate student (s) for each week. 2. Topic:None specified, could be interesting and should be personal resarch-, science- or technology-oriented contents such as paper works from SCI-indexed journals for example. Contents with a certain depth in science are welcome. 3. Presentation should be within 20 mins and Q&A about 5-10 min depending on the participants. 五、教學進度(Syllabus) Will be anounced in the first class 六、成績考核(Evaluation) Grading is based on the presentation, the feedback by the audiences, quality of the slides and the enrichment of scientific essence. Details including outline, presentation skill, originality of the references, Q&A and time control will be considered also. 七、可連結之網頁位址 Artificial intelligence is not applicable to the present course.
MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | |
08:00108:50 | |||||
09:00209:50 | |||||
10:10311:00 | |||||
11:10412:00 | |||||
12:10n13:00 | |||||
13:20514:10 | |||||
14:20615:10 | |||||
15:30716:20 | |||||
16:30817:20 | |||||
17:30918:20 | |||||
18:30a19:20 | |||||
19:30b20:20 | |||||
20:30c21:20 |
Average Percentage 89.76
Std. Deviation 2.2